Affektive lidelser

Licht, Rasmus W. – [ukendt årstal]

Affektive sindslidelser er hyppige, oftest livslange sygdomme med et episodisk forløb. Selvom sygdommenes forløb kan modificeres betragteligt af behandling, er de almindeligvis forbundet med store personlige og sociale omkostninger. Sygdommene har en ganske betydelig overdødelighed, hovedsagelig på grund af selvmord.

The Dissociation Capsule

Scaer, Robert C. – [ukendt årstal]

In my 30+ years of the practice of Neurology, I spent the last 20 as the medical director of a rehabilitation center, much of that directing a multidisciplinary chronic pain program. We routinely treated the most challenging patients, those whose physicians had basically given up their treatment in despair, and referred them to us.

Criteria for PTSD

National Center for PTSD – [ukendt årstal]

In 2000, the American Psychiatric Association revised the PTSD diagnostic criteria in the fourth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). The diagnostic criteria (Criterion A-F) are specified below.

Personality Disorders

[ukendt forfatter] – [ukendt årstal]

This block includes a variety of clinically significant conditions and behaviour patterns which tend to be persistent and are the expression of an individual’s characteristic lifestyle and mode of relating to self and others. Some of these conditions and patterns of behaviour emerge early in the course of individual development, as a result of both constitutional factors and social experience, while others are acquired later in life.

Introduction to Survival Strategies

Valent, Paul – [ukendt årstal]

This chapter introduces the concept of Survival Strategies. Survival Strategies are suggested to facilitate the recognition, naming, and making sense of the varied sequelae of traumatic events. They are like the colors refracted by a prism of white light. The colors add depth and dimension to what is relived and avoided in PTSD.

Association of Objective Measures of Trauma Exposure From Motor Vehicle Accidents and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms

Fujita, Goro & Nishida, Yasushi – 2008

Associations of objective measures of trauma exposure with psychological sequelae following motor vehicle accidents (MVA) were examined in a Japanese population. Impact and injury severity of 93 MVA victims was assessed using on-the-scene in-depth investigations measured by the Injury Severity Score (ISS), barrier equivalent speed (BES), and change in velocity during the impact (Delta-v). Results showed that…

Referenceprogram for angstlidelser hos voksne

Sekretariatet for Referenceprogrammer – 2007

Formålet med referenceprogrammet er at sammenfatte og stille den seneste faglige viden/evidens og erfaring til rådighed for sundhedsvæsenet. Referenceprogrammet søger således at kortlægge, hvad der er ”god klinisk praksis” i patientbehandlingen, så denne viden kan indgå som pejlemærker og beslutningsstøtte i planlægning og tilrettelæggelsen af indsatsen for voksne med angstlidelser.