Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: One Method for Processing Traumatic Memory

Ogden, Pat & Minton, Kekuni – 2000

Traditional psychotherapy addresses the cognitive and emotional elements of trauma, but lacks techniques that work directly with the physiological elements, despite the fact that trauma profoundly affects the body and many symptoms of traumatized individuals are somatically based. Altered relationships among cognitive, emotional, and sensorimotor (body) levels of information processing are also found to be implicated in trauma symptoms. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a method that integrates sensorimotor processing with cognitive and emotional processing in the treatment of trauma.

Common Responses To Trauma – And Coping Strategies

Levine, Patti – [ukendt årstal]

After a trauma, people may go though a wide range of normal responses. Such reactions may be experienced not only by people who experienced the trauma first-hand, but by those who have witnessed or heard about the trauma, or been involved with those immediately affected. Many reactions can be triggered by persons, places, or things associated with the trauma. Some reactions may appear totally unrelated.

Here is a list of common physical and emotional reactions to trauma, as well as a list of helpful coping strategies. These are NORMAL reactions to ABNORMAL events.

Selvregulering gennem pendulering

David Beermann, 2016 – En af 3 artikler som tilsammen giver en god og lettilgængelig beskrivelse af hvad SE metoden går ud på.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy – Including the body

Ogden, Pat m.fl. – [ukendt årstal]

A significant expression of the current paradigm shift in psychoanalysis and related disciplines is the expansion of clinically relevant models that link the unconscious processes of the mind with the nonconscious operations of the body. Formerly relegated to the shadowy realm of metapsychology, redefined psychoanalytic concepts that integrate mind and body are now informed by advances in our understanding of the psychology and biology of bodily-based emotional states…

At blive vækket til live igen

David Beermann, 2016 – En af 3 artikler som tilsammen giver en god og lettilgængelig beskrivelse af hvad SE metoden går ud på.

Triune Autonomic Nervous System: Experimental Applications based on Craniosacral Therapy

Chitty, John – [ukendt årstal]

The origin of Cranial Osteopathy is generally attributed to Sutherland, who detected subtle micro- movements in the bones, membranes and fluids of his patients. His experiments with this phenomenon yielded excellent therapeutic benefits, but generally his work was not embraced by his colleagues though some osteopaths did pursue the topic and continue to develop its theories and methods. Beginning in the 1970s, other health care professionals became interested in the concepts, under the term Craniosacral Therapy…